DevLog: 12th Week

Rafael Henriques

This last strech has been dificult. We really want to have the second level for the story but at the same time we have so much polishing to do and trying to balance the work is dificult.  At the same time everyone has been full of deliveries for other courses. That being said the development is moving along, it's only a matter of time (that maybe we don't have) until we can finish it.

José Gouvêa

This past week has been chaotic. Everyone has a ton of projects and deliverables and we are trying our best to deliver a good project by the end of the week. Level one is practically done and level 2 is in the pipeline. I am both excited and fearful of MOJO, to be honest. I haven't got much more to add since I have to get back to work even as I write this post. I'll compensate next week when all this is good and done.

Ana Abreu

During the last few days, we have been working on putting everything together for the final prototype. We have also incorporated much more art and also the story itself into the game. These made a huge difference when it comes to giving the player the game experience we desire with Caleb's Demons. Even though we have been able to develop more of the game, I believe we are still far behind where we should be since bugs and tiny other details to add always emerge. Let's hope for the best! See you at MOJO! :)

Pedro Freire

This week's progress has been slow, we have the first level almost finished but are still a long way from finishing the second one. We are currently behind where we should be. We have also started incorporating story and more art into the game.

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